You can read about The Great Kernel, the subject of much folklore. Here is a favourable review.

You can also see my AutoHotKey 2.0 file that I use in order to type things like the IPA version of this page.

You can also play with my arbitrary name generator or sudoku puzzle solver

ju kɪn rid əbæwt ðə ɡɹet kɹ̩nl̩ ðə ɡɹet kɹ̩nl̩, ðə sʌbʤɛkt v̩ mʌʧ fowklɔɹ. hɪɹ ɪz ə fejvɹ̩əbl̩ ɹivju.

ju kɪn awsow si maj ɑtohɑtki tu pɔjnt zirow fajl ðæt ajuz ɪn ɔɹdɹ̩ tə tajp θiŋz lajk ði ajpijej vɹ̩ʒn̩ əv ðɪs peiʤ.

ju kɪn alsow plej wɪθ maj ɑɹbɪtɹɛɹi nejm ʤɛnɹ̩ejtɹ̩.