Crossroads to Glory by Joyce Ray is a six-part dramatic series concerning life in the town of Glory. The world preimière of this drama was in six episodes running from 20 April 1997 through 25 May 1997 at the Clairmont Hills Baptist Church in Decatur, Georgia U.S.A. An encore performance of all six episodes at one sitting was performed Sunday Evening, 8 June 1997, also at Clairmont Hills Baptist Church at 6:30 P.M. E.D.T. running for approximately 1½ hours.
I play the rôle of Spunk, a sarcastic volunteer fireman. Spunk's good friend Tommy Joe Duffie (played by Truman Johnson) is the town barber in whose shop half the play is set. The other half is set in "Styles of Glory", the adjacent beauty salon run by Tommy Joe's sister, Lovie Duffie (played by DeAne Beebe). The original performance (but not the June 8 encore performance), had the band Tommy Joe & the Barbarians perform special music each evening. Also, there was a snack supper before each meal. For historical purposes, you can check out the world-preimière performance schedule for the episode titles and a list of the actors appearing each week. The same actors appeared in the encore performance, but there was no accompanying music.
Since Tommy Joe is the only barber in town (and he is a bit reluctant to
have his hair cut at the salon run by his sister),
he can't get his hair cut too often—He'd
have to go to Melville, yet his motorcycle's in the shop half the time!
Clairmont Hills Baptist Church (site of the performances) is located at 1995 Clairmont Road north of downtown Decatur, Georgia, at the intersection of North Druid Hills Road. For directions or questions call the church at +1 (404) 634-6231.